We all have special people and special pets in our lives that mean the absolute world to us. You know who I mean: the family members that check in on you from time to time just to say a sweet hello, the spouses out there that stop everything they’re doing to sit by your side when you’re sick, those best friends that faithfully keep up with the Bachelorette with you, and, last but not least, our pets who show us unconditional love.
Having these good people & lovable pets in our lives makes us fortunate, and as a pet-lover myself, I think it’s fair to say that being a dog owner is a blast! And if you’ve ever owned a dog, you can probably agree that oftentimes it’s simply gladdening to go the extra mile for our fur balls! While some might look at spoiling our pooches as a negative thing, spoiling them every now and then is shameless fun that brings both you and your pooch happiness.
Trending over the last several years is a phenomenon in which pet owners have increasingly spent more and more money pampering their furry friends — dogs in particular. And while some of these services are a little far-fetched, some of these ideas sound dog-gone good!
Here are some ways people love to spoil their pooches!
Pet Suites
Most kennels offer suites for your dogs to stay in that would seem like a treat to temporarily live in, even for a person! While you vacation, these pet suites situate your dogs in a stay-cation environment, providing them with TV’s, Lamborghini-style beds, classy wall and floor decorations, an abundance of toys and more. BUT — if you want your pup to live that elevated life at home, you can now get personally designed pet suites installed in your house. These pet suites can run anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, but that’s not the only way your pets can live comfortably.
Dog Houses
If you have outdoor dogs, build them an outdoor suite! (A.K.A., a beautiful dog house.) Dogs love a place to relax, and an outdoor space designated for them is a more affordable way to give your dog a space they’d enjoy indulging in the ruff life of devouring (safe) bones and napping. You can find dog houses at your local home improvement stores, and you can personalize them with cute embellishments, and, a dog favorite, a memory foam pad that’s both comfortable for them to sleep on and beneficial for their joints!
Speaking of outdoors, here’s another “out-there” way people cater to their pooches’ needs and lifestyles.
Pet Dating Services
That’s right. Many pet owners want the absolute best for their pooches, or as they look upon them as their children. And that means that even though they’re ready to find love, they want the satisfaction that their pets are compatible with the pets of whom they go on a date with! One site, youmustlovedogsdating.com, advertises that “if your dating philosophy is ‘love me, love my dog or leave me the heck alone,’ welcome!” Another site even more specifically geared toward your dogs’ needs is petsdating.com. On this site, people create profiles for themselves and their dogs in an online community that helps owners find a partner to go on dog walks with, schedule playdates, adopt or list a pet for adoption, etc.! Last but certainly not least, datemypet.com is one more dating site created for pet lovers to meet online. The site’s slogan reads, “whether you are looking for a life partner, a buddy for your pet or just someone to hang out with, here you’ll be able to find exactly who you are looking for — pet lovers like yourself.”
Finding a partner for your dog is only one of a million ways you can sweeten up your dog’s lifestyle!
Sugar-coating Things
If you can imagine it, it probably already exists. Dog perfumes, fancy salon-level shampoos in decorative bottles, an array of dog nail polish, tattoos for dogs, pet massages… almost anything that’s paw-sible, already is, you just might not know about it yet. Adorable boutiques and pet stores are sprinkled throughout Florida, including Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming, a Florida-started franchise of dog shops including one located in Celebration that caters to just about every need and desire your dog would have. Their sweet dog treats are made with many delicious, natural ingredients that your dogs will absolutely love — my dogs ate their helpings in seconds!
Pampering our pooches is one way we can give back the love they give us on a daily basis… our pets are our fur babies, our best friends, and our little blessings that consistently show time and again how to love without judgment. So treat them to something special from time to time! (The only thing that might bite is the cost of spoiling them.)
Fun facts
•The American Pet Products Association estimated that over $60 billion was spent on pets in 2015
•National Dog Day is (was) August 26th