It’s no secret that wearing workout clothes has become a trend more commonly worn in places other than the gym. Throwing on a pair of yoga pants just seems so easy when running to the grocery store or trying to catch a plane. It has become a social norm to see people wearing workout clothes almost anywhere. Let’s talk about those places where wearing any sort of athletic attire is definitely something to think twice about.
Going anywhere work related in yoga pants may cause some stares. Even if it is a casual setting, wearing clothes that were originally made to sweat in may not be the best idea. Also, wearing pants to work that are known for making butts look good may send an uncomfortable message, which can lead to some awkward interactions.
Let’s be honest, yoga pants make us look good. They are slimming, comfortable and come in a lot of trendy styles. As great as they are, a first date may not be the best place to show off the newest workout wear looks. Then again, first impressions are lasting impressions, and if you want yours to be how active you are, then by all means. Just make sure you are not headed to a really fancy event. It would be very uncomfortable being the only person standing in Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center in the newest Lululemon style. Not exactly the idea the designer had in mind.
Dressing in athletic clothes outside of the gym has become so popular that it has coined the term “athleisure” clothing. If the rumor is true that just putting on workout clothes makes people feel more fit, then it makes entire sense why so many people wear the same garments for a Sunday brunch as they would to exercise. It completely validates ordering that extra side of bacon. We won’t tell anyone if you don’t actually head to the gym after.
Although there are certain places where wearing a full workout outfit is not the best idea, there are some really easy ways to turn a pair of leggings into a very stylish and dressy look. Boots of any kind always make leggings look dressed up. Adding a comfortable, loose sweater or jacket makes for a trendy outfit. Any type of long shirt or tunic is another way make your workout pants become chic pants. Cropped leggings with Converse and a basic shirt make a casual look without giving the idea that the gym is your next stop. There are plenty of places where workout clothes are completely appropriate, but don’t forget about the items you had in your closet before gym clothes took over the fashion world.