F.C.C.P., D.-A.B.S.M., F.A.A.S.M.
Children’s Lung Asthma and Sleep Specialists
ABOUT THE DOCTOR: Dr. Ajayi was born in London, England. He specialized in pediatrics at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn and then went on to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where he received his training in pediatric pulmonary and sleep medicine.
Dr. Ajayi is the Chairman of The Children’s Sleep Laboratory and The Children’s Lung, Asthma and Sleep Specialists (CLASS). He is ably assisted by nine other excellent pulmonologists and five outstanding nurse practitioners.
AWARDS/HONORS: He has received awards including Best Doctor, Top Doctor, The Patients Choice Award, Compassionate Physician Award and the Vitals Top 10 Doctors award. He is a member of the American College of Chest Physicians, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the American Thoracic Society. The practice also has Joint Commission Accreditation and is one of a few private practices that aspires to follow the Joint Commission standards.
GREATEST PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENT: His greatest achievement is raising a stable, happy family with his wife of 19 years, Adena. They have three daughters who mean everything to him.
GREATEST PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENT: “Graduating from medical school as I was turning 21 felt pretty awesome. I went to Medical School at the age of 15 so I have been in medicine since I was a kid and absolutely love my work! I cannot imagine anything more fulfilling professionally than being a doctor that takes care of children”.
WHAT SETS US APART: CLASS is a unique pediatric pulmonary and sleep medicine practice in Florida, with its own behavioral sleep medicine specialist. It offers a wide range of sleep services: sleep evaluations, sleep studies, psychology and cognitive behavioral services. It has the most expansive network of office locations in Florida with 15 offices spanning from the east to west coast. Each office offers full pulmonary function testing, sleep testing, apnea monitoring, allergy testing and immunotherapy. In addition to consultation services, my goal has always been to make each office independent and able to offer all the services we can without patients needing to travel out of their areas for service. The practice manages conditions such as asthma, chronic cough, allergic rhinitis, pneumonia, sleep apnea, insomnia and narcolepsy. In addition, the practice offers inpatient services at five Children’s Hospitals in Florida including: Florida Hospital for Children, Arnold Palmer Hospital, St Joseph’s Hospital Tampa, All Children’s Hospital, St Pete and St Mary’s Hospital West Palm Beach. The unique spread of the practice allows us to maintain continuity of care across a large part of the State of Florida. Basically our patients can move freely across the state and not worry about pulmonary or sleep care.
DR. AJAYI’S PHILOSOPHY: “A great physician should be kind, caring and a good listener. Above all he or she should always offer hope, support and should never kill the hopes of the child or parent. My job above all, is to heal patients and their families in any way that I can. Anything less would be unacceptable. ”
THE RIGHT DIAGNOSIS: Every child should have a right to an evaluation before they are subjected to treatment. No child should ever be treated for sleep apnea without having a clear diagnosis. It is important to understand the severity of sleep apnea, the benefits and the risks related to treatment, before subjecting a child to surgery or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). Conditions such as sleep apnea and sleep fragmentation can mimic behavioral disorders associated with ADHD; hence early identification and treatment is important to avoid stigmatizing a child. When treating a child with conditions such as asthma, it is important to correctly diagnose and characterize the severity of the condition. Asthma affects how children sleep, play and learn. It is my goal to make sure kids can do all of these things with ease.
IN THE COMMUNITY: It is my mission to develop a relationship with educational institutions in Central Florida. I emphasize the importance of consistent sleep/wake schedules, teaching school staff and families about how to facilitate the development of independent sleep skills in children of all ages, and quickly and accurately identifying children who are at-risk for sleep disorders. Teachers have a unique ability to observe students on a daily basis and are often the first to become aware of behavioral, learning, and emotional symptoms that may be a sign of inadequate or disrupted sleep. Teachers are our “first responders” and we are working to build awareness around making sleep a priority and increasing awareness of the critical importance of sleep in our daily lives.
• Playing tennis
• Watching soccer
• Listening to jazz.