Customizing your handbags, luggage and more!

A trend that we are seeing is having personalized handbags and luggage pieces. And it’s not just your initials. At first this was seen mainly in higher end designers, such as Louis Vuitton (most popular), Goyard Paris, etc. Now we are starting to see more affordable designers adding this trend into their collections! The items that are being customized are mainly handbags and small leather goods. But also depending on the designer you can even get customized carry-on luggage and duffle bags. Different designers vary with what you can actually put and how many things you can put on it, but usually brands will have a variety of “patches” or stickers” to choose from. For example, some of the patches are of different cities from around the world or famous hotels, animals, or logos. You can also just put your name or initials and call it a day. You can go in store or do it online. This is a nice twist to a handbag or luggage item and definitely a good way to remember your trip!
Slippers at the bar
Everyone has seen Gucci’s famous loafers. They are a trend that everyone has been loving lately. A lot of people are liking to pair a casual shoe (like fluffy slippers) with a dressed up outfit. People are wearing them to dinner, lounges and bars, and of course you can wear them casually too. But it’s funny that a slipper that people would think to be worn only at home have become a huge fashion trend! And we love it!