Summer typically calls for hotdogs, sunscreen and football. But really, it means whatever allows you to unwind. And the best way to achieve unmatched relaxation is by having a good old-fashioned grill out. Grills are the last thing you’d expect to be advanced, but the capabilities on these machines will add so much more to how you define a party. Gone are the days of needing multiple electronic systems in order to entertain guests. With the rise of technology comes the idea of including multiple services in one device.
The worst part about being the grill master is missing out on some of the fun. Sure, they’re the provider for the group, but with their back’s turned and focused on the food, they have the potential of missing an important play or moment amongst friends. This is no longer an issue with the TV Entertainment Package or the Stereo inclusion. Having these devices embedded in the grill provides more convenient ways of serving and entertaining. Partygoers can gather ‘round and watch while the grill master performs their tasks. Or, while there is a larger screen set up elsewhere, guests can line up to get their snacks and not miss out on the action. The Stereo inclusion has the same effect while eliminating the need for an invasive and bulky speaker. Rather, the music or film can blast from the center of the party and serve as the perfect background noise for a memorable night.
Furthermore, accessories rid the need for someone to run back and forth to the kitchen to grab forgotten supplies. Refrigerators, sinks and drawers are convenient and allow the host to relax. More extravagant additions include a full bar. With LED lighting to give a hint of exclusivity to a traditionally ordinary activity, a bar will allow for a more intimate experience. Traditionally, someone will have a cooler of beer tossed in the corner somewhere, but with a full bar at your disposal comes experimentation and greater appreciation for simple comforts.
Beaches are synonymous to paradise; the perfect getaway, and the only weather fit to fully immerse yourself in a cold drink. Luckily, Florida is in the vicinity of some beautiful coasts. Yet, given the range of towns, the distance can be a bit cumbersome. By having a tiki bar on your grill, you are bringing paradise to your front door. With a television, speaker, bar, sink, refrigerator and seating, you will have guests believing that “It’s 5-o’clock Somewhere” was inspired by your backyard. This all-inclusive package is a party in and of itself. The grill master simply just has to show up and let the appliance work its magic.
Summer is supposed to be easy. The feeling you get shutting off your alarm clock is the same level of satisfaction and triumph that should last the whole season. That sensation comes from having effortless fun. Having a traditional grill out is already a leisurely activity. Yet, built-in rigs that take even more of the effort off the host’s shoulders and allows for a unique and exciting experience for the company you keep is a no-brainer.